When we talked about conservation, some people may be wondering what is conservation all about. At first I also do not really know what conservation…after I involved on that field…I can proudly say that conservation is a very unique field and is a good thing to learn.
Conservation generally can be defined as preservation from loss, depletion, waste, or harm.In other view, International Committee of Museums (ICOM), explain conservation as technical examination, preservation and conservation / restoration of cultural property.Conservation also concerned with the long-term preservation of cultural property through examination, documentation, treatment, and preventive care. Summing up, conservation is a prevention and intervention method including restoration. Based on International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), it defined prevention or preservation is an action taken to retard or prevent or stop deterioration of or damage to cultural properties from happen or going further. There is two kind of prevention. Firstly is preventive, all action whether direct or indirect aimed at expanding the life expectancy of an object and at preserving the information contained this object. Second is interventive or called as restoration, all action (direct) aimed at transmitting better the esthetic, historic, and scientific aspect contained in an object. Based on the picture at the bottom, it shows the diagram of prevention and intervention.
There is six points that we must think of preventive conservation. The six were including the question of, why, whom, where, what, when and how. The explanation is. First based on the question of why, must identified the reason of the preservation, and also - think to prevent further changes or deterioration in on objects, structures, site, etc. whom refer for who or whom that involved in this field. It including field of archeologist/excavators, conservator, curator, storekeeper, conservation technician, conservation scientist, students and all people that concerned with and interested in safeguarding our archeological and historical heritage. Then where, the location or place where object of archeological or historical importance are exiting, stored, kept, present, etc. what. We concerned about weather and climate monitoring and control instrument, material for support and protect. When immediately after object, monument, building archeological site is excavated or acquired. Lastly how the condition or identification of problem and material actually or possible, evaluate environment and provision of adequate storage and planning for monitoring.
For intervantive conservation, it based on the example question at the bottom.
- Why? – To reverse deterioration ( by repair/ restoration/ reintegration/ gap filling)
- Whom? - conservators, conservator scientist, specific conservators, restorer, trained students
- Where? – in museums, storages, sites (e.g. ‘In-situ’), monuments
- What? – With the best trained personnel, proper and appropriate scientific methods and techniques, tools and materials including chemicals.
- When? – when preventive conservation is not enough to stop loss of the object
- How? – by applying scientific research / examination, the best science-based treatment to “return” an object to monument, site to a good that is stabile and safe condition.
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