Sunday, December 12, 2010


Recently I have made a research about the paper… where I research generally on what is paper, the process of making, and also I touch a little bit on the conservation aspect. For this entry I would like to some of the information and knowledge that I know based on the topic.
As an introduction I will explain what my purpose on the research is. Paper has a rich, colorful history which has spanned the world's geography and its cultures. Paper is defined by Noah Webster as "a substance made in the form of thin sheets or leaves from rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, for various uses." Paper is widely used for its eco friendly nature and the traces of history are left in different cultures. Paper also is a medium where all the information is transmitting into it. From this we can see evolution of medium use for writing starting from leaves until the paper we used today. There are many article and finding talk about process of paper making process either traditional or modern (manufacture). The study that has been made by them was a new discovery of the way of how paper was made and there were also different between period and region.
The strength of this is study is to identify and study the strength and the differences of type of paper making technique neither traditional nor modern (manufacture).Different countries have their own process when it comes to traditional handmade paper making. The advances of the technology also contribute into the changing of the paper making process. From that, new kinds of techniques were introduced and we can see the different between traditional handmade paper making and modern technique. From the finding, it can identify what types of material use and technique apply. It can lead into the indentified the type of method can be used when it comes to conservation and preservation cases.

Before we start study on the paper making, we need to understand the BASIC CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PAPER itself. There are FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF PAPER which are adhesion, hydrophilic properties, cohesion of the fibre and quality of absorption. The common basic characteristics is the ability of absorbing water, can work together with water without dissolving and the ability of the fibre to grip each other( Barkeshli 2009).
According to Agrawal & Barkesli (1997), physical characteristics of every sheet of paper ‘judge by (its) color, opaqueness, smoothness, surface- texture, shiftiness or limpness, and water and oil repellency’. there are three factor in determines PAPER PROPERTIES: the nature of fibre, the fibre pulp preparation in the presence of water and the sheet of formation, drying and sizing method. Usually the strength of paper depend on two things which are strength of the individual fibres an the strength of the bonds between them’ as the bonds between each and. every fibre in the paper depend by hydrogenous content.
Now we moved into the types of paper making .There are two types of the paper making that I stress on which are handmade paper are making technique and machine or manufacturing paper making technique.

RAW MATERIAL is important in paper making. The reason is, from the different kind of raw material it lead to the differences based on quality, color, texture, and process making.
Cellulose is a main material used in paper making. At the present manufacture production is done from wood-pulp and for handmade the raw material use like:
1. Hemp
2. Ramie
3. Cotton
4. Reeds and bamboo
5. Bast fibres
All the different types of raw material have to be purified and made into pulp by chemical or mechanical means.
a. Bamboo
Bamboo is of the common plant use in Asian region in making paper .the bamboo were cut into small pieces before pulp are made.
The process of making also same whereby the pulp were soaking, beating, mixing with lime water to separate the fibre .the unique of bamboo pulp is it produces good wrapping paper and also can be used in printing as well as writing medium (Agrawal & Barkesli, 2007)
b. cotton fibres
Commonly this material obtained from old rags or new cotton waste from the industry. At first all the cutting and rags were cutting into small pieces before soaked in solution of lime water. Then the material was cooked and pounded with hand mills or wooden pedals. After all the material were mixed together, the pulp were poured into in cotton cloth and washed well in a tank or in running water, after done, if needed pulp can be bleached or colored with dyes to prepare colored paper.

This is only some of the research I have made. Any question and information to share just email me at

P/s: all the detail of the research I will post is by stages…coz I’m still not done yet ….wish me luck and pray for my success…thanks…..


When we talked about conservation, some people may be wondering what is conservation all about. At first I also do not really know what conservation…after I involved on that field…I can proudly say that conservation is a very unique field and is a good thing to learn.

Conservation generally can be defined as preservation from loss, depletion, waste, or harm.In other view, International Committee of Museums (ICOM), explain conservation as technical examination, preservation and conservation / restoration of cultural property.Conservation also concerned with the long-term preservation of cultural property through examination, documentation, treatment, and preventive care. Summing up, conservation is a prevention and intervention method including restoration. Based on International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), it defined prevention or preservation is an action taken to retard or prevent or stop deterioration of or damage to cultural properties from happen or going further. There is two kind of prevention. Firstly is preventive, all action whether direct or indirect aimed at expanding the life expectancy of an object and at preserving the information contained this object. Second is interventive or called as restoration, all action (direct) aimed at transmitting better the esthetic, historic, and scientific aspect contained in an object. Based on the picture at the bottom, it shows the diagram of prevention and intervention.

There is six points that we must think of preventive conservation. The six were including the question of, why, whom, where, what, when and how. The explanation is. First based on the question of why, must identified the reason of the preservation, and also - think to prevent further changes or deterioration in on objects, structures, site, etc. whom refer for who or whom that involved in this field. It including field of archeologist/excavators, conservator, curator, storekeeper, conservation technician, conservation scientist, students and all people that concerned with and interested in safeguarding our archeological and historical heritage. Then where, the location or place where object of archeological or historical importance are exiting, stored, kept, present, etc. what. We concerned about weather and climate monitoring and control instrument, material for support and protect. When immediately after object, monument, building archeological site is excavated or acquired. Lastly how the condition or identification of problem and material actually or possible, evaluate environment and provision of adequate storage and planning for monitoring.

For intervantive conservation, it based on the example question at the bottom.

  • Why? – To reverse deterioration ( by repair/ restoration/ reintegration/ gap filling)
  • Whom? - conservators, conservator scientist, specific conservators, restorer, trained students
  • Where? – in museums, storages, sites (e.g. ‘In-situ’), monuments
  • What? – With the best trained personnel, proper and appropriate scientific methods and techniques, tools and materials including chemicals.
  • When? – when preventive conservation is not enough to stop loss of the object
  • How? – by applying scientific research / examination, the best science-based treatment to “return” an object to monument, site to a good that is stabile and safe condition.

My experience

Interest in Islamic art has grown enormously in recent years. Reflecting this awareness, in December 1998 Malaysia became home to Southeast Asia’s largest museum of Islamic art. The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia houses more than seven thousand artifacts’, as well as an exceptional library of Islamic art books. Artistic and cultural heritage objects worldwide are affected by the conditions in which they exist. None is free from the ravages of time and environment.

Through my observation of Islamic art museum especially in conservation practice, I could see, that the place are occupied with good equipment in aspect of conservation either on treatment nor preservation. There have four laboratory inside which are (laboratory), organic, inorganic, analytical, packaging. In lab on conservation of organic material that contain object of paper, parchment, textile, and leather, bone, ivory and wood are examined, documented and treated. The laboratories fully equipped with six work stations, washing tables, finishing presses, cutting and leaf casting machines, and custom designed drying racks. for inorganic laboratory is conducted in one purpose built laboratory fully equipped with six workstations, air extraction units, stereo microscopes, an air-abrasive unit and a full array of conservation grade adhesive, fillers and cleaning agents. Here ceramics, stone, glass and metals are examined, documented and treated.

For analytical lab, it plays an important role in material analysis and identification, the assessment of an object’s deterioration and the development of conservation strategies to ensure the preservation of artifacts. The Analytical Laboratory is fully equipped with three workstations, stereo, compound and polarizing light microscopes for the examination of material, an ultraviolet light inspection station, a reference database of historical materials used by Islamic artists and a climate chamber for the conduction for aging experiments.
Other than that, the place occupied with large room for store where all the object and artifact after the exhibition were kept. interview with the conservator, the room is very sensitive room, where all the aspect need to be observed from temperature, humidity, biological and physical factor and etc .regular inspection also to be done to make sure the object is in order, and any damages can be reported to examine and treatment.
Before the process of treatment, object will deal with photography session, where the entire problem, defect need to be documentation as a reference and analysis for the problem facing .this play as important role as evidence the object before and after the treatment. The expert photographer was hire to capture the good picture of the object. Next is room of packaging, is a room to identified and document the data of object that were receive.
Next based on the preventive aspect, aiming at arresting the Preventive conservation is a global strategy aimed at arresting the deterioration of objects by controlling the display and storage environments for each object. On that place, they control of climate and lighting levels within the museum using light meters and thermo hygrographs.

Last is my comment on the conservation team were worked at there, all The conservators are all university graduates with backgrounds in fine art, fine metal, chemistry and applied science and have undergone extensive training conducted by both local and international experts. All of them are expert with their field and can give good explanation in all the question were give by us and capable of dealing with the problem face by collection.

In conclusion, Islamic art museum provide a good service on the aspect of conservation and the place also quite well with the equipment for treatment and analysis. But in the expose of the conservation field toward people still need to be improved. People still no idea what is conservation is all about and the design layout of the exhibition need to be improved because quite boring and make all the object exhibit become dull and less attractive.


Bilik difikirkan balik..aku sudah banyak berubah.aku bukan lagi adida yang dulu..aku menjadi adida yang baru,,bila difikirkan adida yang dulu lagi better dari adida yang sekarang.kadangkala aku rindu diri kau yang dulu,dulu aku pendiam..betapa marahnya aku,,aku lebih rela mendiamkan diri.hidup aku bebas aku tidak ada masalah dengan jiwa.aku rasa tenang.aku menjadi berubah bila aku mula mempelajari cinta..cinta pertama mengajar aku erti rindu, sakit,dan merubah aku menjadi seorang yang pemarah,,sensitif.banyak elemen negative masuk kedalam diriku…tanpa aku sedar,,aku bukan sahaja menyakiti diriku tapi orang yang berada di persekitaran aku,,,argggh,,,betapa rindunya aku yang dulu…aku menagis dan menyesali aku masih tidak boleh kembali diri aku yang dulu…

Cinta kedua mengajar aku erti kesakitan, kesetiaan, kedukaan,kegembiran.tapi semua itu hanya sementara…aku bercinta selama dua tahun,,berakhir juga dengan perpisahan..percintaan kedua amat menyeksakan aku…hati aku luka dengan teruk….pertama aku di curangi…aku dibohongi…aku di kutuk…tapi betapa bodohnya aku,,,,aku masih lagi menyayangi dan merinduinya walaupun berbagai yang dia lakukan kepadaku,setiap hari aku masih lagi menungu pesanan dan panggilan daripadanya…argghhh..bodohnya aku…kenapa dengan dia, aku susah untuk melupakan,,,berkali-kali aku cuba tetapi ingatan aku terhadap dia tak pernah pudar bahkan semakin kuat..

Aku menjadi tertekan disebabkan dia,hari-hari aku nangis..hari-hari hati aku sakit…..pernah satu ketika aku melakukan perkara yang bodoh.. nasib aku baik, aku diselamatkan olah teah,disebabkan terlampau sayang kepadanya…aku berubah menjadi begitu lemah….aku tak berdaya bila berjauhan daripadanya…aku sayang dia..aku terlampau sayang dia…..huhuhuhuhu………aku tak berdaya untuk menolak perasaan yang hadir dalam hati aku ini…..


Hari ini sewaktu aku tengah kemas buku-buku lama aku terjumpa majalah sekolah aku..(ARKITEK 2005) Hatiku terdetik untuk menyelak kembali majalah tahunan sekolah.aku lihat bagaimana aku dahulu dan berapa berbezanya aku sekarang…tiba dihalaman alamat pelajar 5psv pandangan ku tertatacap pada satu nama amiruddin.bibirku mengucapkan namanya tanpa aku sedar.nama yang selalu dalam ingatanku..sudah 5 tahun sehingga sekarang aku masih lagi tidak tahu khabarnya..telah ramai kawan yang aku risik,,tapi jawapanya hampa.dimanakah dia sekarang….kenangan lama terungkap kembali..dia adalah lelaki pertama yang aku berikan surat cinta..betapa malunya aku pada waktu itu.waktu iti…,para pelajar sibuk meyiapkan diri untuk menghadapi sijil pelajran Malaysia(spm),.sesibuknya aku, aku still boleh lagi mengutuskan surat cinta kepadanya…argghhh,,betapa gilernya aku pada waktu itu…surat itu aku kirimkan kat member aku,,,utuk diberikan kepada dia.....berhari-hari aku menunggu jawapan,,tapi hampa…dia tidak memblas kirimanku itu,,,aku berasa sangat hampa dan kecewa…
“Dida..kendengaran suara asma memangil aku”…
“Kenapa”, tanyaku..
“Erm,,,tak adalah,,,tadi amiruddin jumpa aku,,Tanya sapa yang kasi surat tu kat dia…dia cakap…. Pengirim tak ada nama,bagi tahu asma sambil memandang tepat kearah mukaku..
Ya allah, aku terlupa..tulah nervous sangat first time tulis surat cinta..nak tergelak pown bila aku ingat kembali kenagan itu..patutlah dia tidak membalasnya…bisik hatiku..
“Wei…aku bagithu kat dia..kau yang kasi, kau tak kisah kan…kata asma dengan nada yang agak kuat mungkin dia ingat aku tak dengar”..
“Ok”…jawabku dengan selamba..padahal dalam hati tuhan saja yang tahu betapa nervousnya aku untuk tunggu respon daripada si dia…
Dua hari kemudian…balasan daripada si dia aku terima…arrghhh betapa malu dan seronoknya aku pada waktu itu. Itulah memori terakhir aku dengan si dia,,selepas tamat persekolahan sehinngan sekarang aku kehilangan khabar berita daripada si dia…..
Aku berharap satu hari,,,aku berkesempatan untuk bertemu dengan si dia..amiruddin izzat bin ramli…


What do u thinks when your boyfriend gives u a t-shirt in XL size as a present? ….erm….it quite wondering when u just in L size….maybe it just a trick to tell you that appearance not same as usually in a very silent way but kill us deeply, hehehehe…….

Isteri cantik dapat suami biasa,suami hensem dapat isteri muka biasa,,erm,,betul kew?pada pendapat aku,,mungkin ada betulnya,,selalunya setiap pasangan mesti ada perbezaan,,dari perbezaan itu jugalah akan menentukan sama ada kita saling memahami ataupun tidak.